In my previous post I mentioned the theory of constraints and the laws that govern constraints in a corporate setting. In this post I will be exploring some more spiritual aspects of constraints.
On a spiritual level a constraint could refer to a limiting factor, a hindrance, of even a spiritual force in operation.
Naturally speaking let’s consider temperamental constraints. Those familiar with the DISC profile would know we talk about four main types of personality factors. The factors being Dominance, Influence, Stability (Relatability), and Certainty (Conscientious).
Each of these personality factors provide us with corresponding strengths and talents, but also a range of non-strengths. Besides the non-strengths we also find a built in, or associated constraint, or a fear-factor at play within every trait or factor.
Direct / Dominant | Executive Strength | Fear of Failure |
Interact / Influence | Motivational Strength | Fear of Rejection |
Support / Stability | Relationship Building | Fear of Conflict |
Conscientious / Certainty | Strategic Thinking | Fear of Losing Control |
So having considered and looking at natural constraints, we also need to consider spiritual constraints, limitations and hindrances. The spirit realm is real and has a greater impact on our lives than many would like to acknowledge. Most of us has had some encounters with the spirit realm and have an understanding of the factors and powers at play. A key to being effective in this realm is to carry revelation and also to understand our spiritual authority, and being willing to take it up.
In my next post I’d like to address the various spiritual constraints, and also the strategies needed to close these doors.