THE BELIEVER’S EDGE PART 1- Put your spiritual authority to work and shatter spiritual constraints! September 27, 2024
What is a Coach? It’s a person who has earned the right to speak into your life and who will push you to identify your goals, hold you accountable and provide encouragement when the going gets tough. July 9, 2021
Your Next Level. So what does your next level look like? A very potent question if you pause long enough to really think it through. April 8, 2021
Your Breakout Mentor List. See this quick hack on helping you get organized and intentional on the mentors you currently follow. May 19, 2020
Who Are Your Mentors Video #1. Mentors can play a very big role in helping us grow and lead at higher levels. Watch out for my Mentor List and start using it. May 11, 2020